Low back pain is now considered the number one source of disability worldwide. The medical treatment of LBP has resulted in over 1,000,000 surgical interventions per year and a generation ravaged by the opioid epidemic.
It’s time to stop the insanity.
Many and often most of consultations in our community are due to to low back pain .And rightfully so you should be seeking care.
The major healthcare organizations have shifted their recommendations, the research has caught up to reality, and the time is right for you to recognize the importance been aware and take care of yourself.
Why It Matters:
This month we have prepare very good recommendations for you to fix the nightmarish pain.
• Week 1: We highlight the shift that Harvard, Mayo, and more have made over the
past few years to support non-pharmacological options.
• Week 2: This week is dedicated to sciatica, one of the most hotly searched terms
online relating to low back pain.
• Week 3: This week’s materials set you up for success by diving into the mechanics
and causes of low back pain.
• Week 4: We round out the month by discussing the surprising research relating to
surgical intervention for low back pain that is sure to open the eyes of more than
a few people in your community.
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Key Points from Your Research That Matters:
• The American College of Physicians supports chiropractic care for the
treatment of back pain.